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The ability to remember abbreviations is limited for many people. Fanta4's "MfG" sends its regards, as this song added the punch to the inflationary use of three-syllable letter constructions back in 1999.

PLEXIPHONES are now starting the upcoming Christopher Street Day season with 5 letters: "LGBTQ", the name of their new single, which is not meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but rather to awake awareness. The clear message of the number from their current chart album, "Bucket List" is for an open and colorful society where intolerance, backward thinking and right-wing attitudes are finally eliminated. Unfortunately, enemies of our democracy are often also supporters of growing trans- and homophobia in society. „We want to set an example against this“, says lead singer Wolfgang Kemmerling.

PLEXIPHONES, the alternative pop band from Mönchengladbach, has created a real catchy tune with "LGBTQ", the abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual/Transgender and Queer. Perhaps the song will even help us to understand LGBTQ in colloquial terms. Their new single is definitely danceable, whether in the album version ("QRTZ Cut") or now also as a deep house electrofish remix, which will be released on April 19 by the German indie label ZYX Music. This song definitely has the potential to shake up the dance floors this summer, and not just here in Germany, but around the world!!!

Quelle: ZYX Music GmbH & Co.KG
Label: © ZYX Music

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