Rebekka Lundstrøm - Lilies On The Radio

Sunflower Promotion
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I have always loved to sing. When I was a child I loved the stage and always dreamt about performing. As I grew older I got more sceptical and insecure and didn’t think I could do it. I kept on singing, but mostly for myself and I started developing stage fright.

When I moved back to my hometown, Arendal in Norway, after some years abroad, people started inviting me on stage with them as they remembered that I used to sing back in the days. I really wanted to write my own songs, but didn’t know how. It was a Texan singer songwriter, Simon Flory, who started it all for me. I asked him how I could become a songwriter and he answered: “Just do it!” So I did.

At the same time I started taking guitar lessons with Fadnes. When I finally plucked up the courage to present him with some of my own songs, he was really impressed and started to convince me that I should record them. After playing my music live for some time I decided I wanted to try. So in 2019 I quit my full time job as a classroom assistant and took on a part time job in the pub to have more time for music, saved up money and recorded “Carousel”!

Music has always been my savior. Most of my life it has been other people’s music playing that part for me, but now it’s also my own. I’ve made my own life jacket. I couldn’t be without. I’ve tried so many different jobs over the years and I can’t find my place in any of them. Music is the only place where I feel at home.

I love the feelings in the music and the organic sounds. Real instruments and lyrics with meaning. And the harmonies! The folk part mixed in with the country makes it even more sensitive and delicate. I find it a good match for my lyrics, which are more than often quite sad. I love the melancholy in folk music. I’ve always had a special place in my heart for sad songs. They make me feel better.

Inspiration comes from everything around me and in me. It could be a sentence from a book I’m reading, a line from a television show, a lovely chord I hear in a song or something I observe while walking the dog. It comes from feelings, thoughts, dreams and experiences through my own life. I mostly write songs as self therapy. There’s something I need to process and get to the surface. I’ve never really been good at expressing all these thoughts and feelings until I started singing about them.

Quelle: Showbizzinfo NL - Geert Hakze
Label: © Rebekka Lundstrøm


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